Tap into the Power

…holding to an outward form of godliness but denying its power.” 2 Timothy 3:5 TLV

As I was reading/listening to the Bible, this particular phrase from 2 Timothy 3 really caught my attention.  When something like that happens, I am learning to pay attention because I believe that’s the Holy Spirit guiding me.  On this topic of the Holy Spirit, I believe that that is what this particular verse is talking about.  

Before that thought though, let’s check out the context of what is being written.  This is a letter written by Paul to Timothy; this can be found at the very beginning of the letter in 2 Timothy 1,Paul… To Timothy my beloved child (v.1, 2).  As I did some research, Paul is probably in prison (again) and possibly about to be killed.  There is a lot of opposition in their world against Christians, as it is believed that Nero was in power (do some research, he was pretty awful!).  So that’s some of the basics: Nero in power, Paul in prison, probably going to die, and this letter to Timothy.

In chapter 3, Paul starts off with something that I believe could be understood two different ways: written for their current season and time, but also as a prophecy for the future.  Paul is talking of the “last days (v.1)” which, depending on who you talk to, we could be living in now.  But that is a WHOLE other subject.  Anyways, Paul describes what the last days will look like in verses 1-5 and it’s pretty bleak:

“But understand this, that in the last days hard times will come--for people will be lovers of self, lovers of money, boastful, arrogant, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, ungrateful, unholy, hardhearted, unforgiving, backbiting, without self-control, brutal, hating what is good, treacherous, reckless, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, holding to an outward form of godliness but denying its power. Avoid these people!"
1 Timothy 3:1-5                     
Truth is, this could have been written about multiple time periods and seasons throughout history, including our very own!

As I previously mentioned, I’m reading (or listening rather) and I get to verse 5:having the appearance of godliness but denying its power.  This really stood out to me.  For this to make sense I have to explain a little about my own church background.  I accepted Jesus as my Savior when I was 5.  And I have been going to church in some form or another since.  About 4 years ago, I was baptized in the Spirit (yes, there is a difference between water baptism and being baptized in the Spirit!  Also a completely different subject for another time).  Here are some Bible references if you are so inclined to look them up: Matthew 3:11, John 3:5, Acts 1:5, to list a few.  TRUTH: There is a power and boldness that comes with the Holy Spirit.  This is popularly referenced in Acts 1:8,but you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you.  The original Hebrew uses the name/term Ruach ha-Kodesh, referring to the “inspiration through which attuned individuals perceive and channel the Divine through action, writing or speech."  Those of us who grew up in the church KNOW what the Trinity is, or at least have heard it referenced.  The Holy Spirit is part of that.  It is the breath of the living G-d dwelling inside each one of us.  So the Divine G-d who created the entire universe is living inside of YOU!  Meaning, you have all power and authority through Jesus!  Pretty rad!

Back to my story… 4 years ago, I was baptized in the Spirit.  I was at this Todd White meeting, Power & Love.  As one of the speakers was talking, I started feeling heat and tingles on my fingertips.  He called it out and described what was going on.  He was tapping into a realm of the Spirit which I hadn’t really had language for prior.  This was one of my first introductions to the physical manifestation of the Holy Spirit.  Even with this experience, it wasn’t until recently that I am coming into an understanding of the Full Gospel of Jesus.  Hugely due to the fact that I am connected to a really amazing church family who stewards this well!  I believe this disconnect is what 2 Timothy 3:5 is talking about though.  Paul references people who areholding to an outward form of godliness.”  Religion.  People who go to church, but deny the power that comes from the Holy Spirit, whether in ignorance or not.

If I’m honest, I believe there is a great divide on this particular topic in the Church as a whole today.  But according to Paul, way back in AD 68, he was warning Timothy about people like this too.  If we look at Jesus as our prime example there is no denying the power that He walked in.  And Jesus told us that when He left, He would leave us with the Holy Spirit who is our advocate, our helper (John 14:26).  Jesus also said that we would do EVEN GREATER works than He did (John 14:12)!  How!?  Because of this Helper, the Holy Spirit!  At the end of Mark, Jesus commissions His disciples (and you are one of them!) saying, 

“These signs will accompany those who believe: in My name they will drive out demons; they will speak new languages; they will handle snakes; and if they drink anything deadly, it will not harm them; they will lay hands on the sick, and they will get well.”
Mark 16:17-18                        

It is not something to be afraid of, it’s something to embrace as we develop into being more like Jesus, like His co-heirs (Romans 8:17) that are seated in heavenly places with Him (Ephesians 2:6).  It’s part of our inheritance (Ephesians 1).  It’s part of who you are!

…you will receive power when the Ruach ha-Kodesh has come upon you; and you will be My witnesses in Jerusalem, and through all Judah, and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.  Acts 1:8 TLV

G-d wants to use you to demonstrate His power on the earth, through His Holy Spirit living inside you.  I pray that this Truth will sink in and that you will start to recognize how He moves through you.  There is so much more than you ever imagined in Him!

Please, feel free to reach out if you have any questions.  I would LOVE to chat with you.  


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