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Tap into the Power

“ …holding to an outward form of godliness but denying its power. ” 2 Timothy 3:5 TLV As I was reading/listening to the Bible, this particular phrase from 2 Timothy 3 really caught my attention.   When something like that happens, I am learning to pay attention because I believe that’s the Holy Spirit guiding me.   On this topic of the Holy Spirit, I believe that   that is what this particular verse is talking about.   Before that thought though, let’s check out the context of what is being written.   This is a letter written by Paul to Timothy; this can be found at the very beginning of the letter in 2 Timothy 1, “ Paul… To Timothy my beloved child (v.1, 2) . ”   As I did some research, Paul is probably in prison (again) and possibly about to be killed.   There is a lot of opposition in their world against Christians, as it is believed that Nero was in power (do some research, he was pretty awful!).   So that’s some of the basics: Nero in power, Paul in prison, probabl

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